Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When the west wind moves.

Najee just started blogging, and he's putting a lot of acceptable nonsense in it. Its funny though. Aha at least he's got something to keep him at home longer.

I don't think it's worth mentioning the fact that I haven't been blogging for a very very long time. I know I'm more than capable to, but heck, I just didn't bother. But now, I just thought that I could, maybe, just maybe put more effort into this now. ;p

It's funny how my last post became so infamous. But that resolution I made in it, was really fulfilled. Well, there are times when I just get down and down about stuff, but now the reasons are more acceptable. Hah. So it's safe to say, I probably only get emo about 20% of the time. Pretty normal no? aha.

Well, a lot of time passed us by since then. And a lot of things happened. Everything from life-threatening crashes to downfalls with the closest of friends happened. It has been a little more subtle lately, and I guess hope it would stay like this. I guess i can speak on behalf of everybody that we're all tired of fallouts and downfalls happening so much more than the average in our circle. Get it to stay like this, have a chillin good time. Enjoy it. Savour it.

Kembara's back. Gold colour, new
bigger rims. Pictures should come soon (:

Raya has been great this year. I amassed a mini-fortune from it. I haven't quite spent it though. I have bigger plans with that money. Maybe make myself richer? aha, let's just hope it'll happen shall we.

Don't know what to type anymore. For now, I just want to wait and see if I can stay doing this. Not gonna spread the word out though. Not looking for publicity here, just a place to let out stuff. Hah. Till the next post!

Oh, to you, I'm smiling (:

;Here's to the nights we felt alive.

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