Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Faeez "Faye" Sabri!

Nothing much to say about anything else at the moment.
But just straight to the point la,

Happy birthday to my great friend, my best mate, Faye!

May all of us have a great 19th year of our lives.
I got that photo off your blog, so basically that's your work. Credits to Faye! lol.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A million doors to eternity.

I'd never imagined before,
that the world could be turned on it's head,
I'd never have thought to be here in this place,
I'd never have dreamt that in love I'd be lost and so easily led,
I guess I was caught by that hint of a smile on her face

I thought I was happy,
when my life was as easy as anything.
But that was the past of an ignorant youth.
I'm falling in love with a girl,
I'm forced to be living a lie.
And she'd never love me if she knew the truth.

Is it asking too much,
if I pray for a miracle,
That one day she'll love me,
That one day she'll say, "I care."